Laser Stapedotomy in Dallas, Fort Worth and Frisco, TX
Laser stapedotomy is a surgical procedure used to restore hearing loss caused by otosclerosis. Otosclerosis is a hardening of the stapes bone. Patients with otosclerosis have abnormal bone formation at the oval window. The oval window is the junction of the stapes and inner ear.
If you or a loved one is experiencing hearing loss due to otosclerosis, our skilled team specializes in laser stapedotomy, a proven solution to restore hearing. Take the first step toward better hearing today—call us at 469-803-5555 to schedule your consultation!
Otosclerosis typically starts in early adulthood. A cycle of breakdown and repair occurs at the bone of the oval window. As this cycle continues, the bone gets harder and harder. This dampens the movements of the stapes and as a result the hearing declines.
In most cases the inner ear is unaffected. In other words, the hearing loss is due to mechanical blockage of sound transmission from the ear canal, through the eardrum and ossicles, into the inner ear. This is called conductive hearing loss and shows up on a hearing test with an air-bone gap with absent acoustic reflexes, giving your doctor clues that you may benefit from laser stapedotomy.

Laser stapedotomy and stapedectomy are slightly different procedures. During a stapedectomy, the entire stapes bone and oval window bone are removed. A graft is placed in the oval window and a prosthesis connects from that graft to the incus. This restores the hearing conduction mechanism of the eardrum and hearing bones resulting in hearing restoration.
In contrast, a laser stapedotomy gently disconnects the stapes-incus and stapes-footplate attachments. The stapes suprastructure is removed and a small opening in the footplate (stapedotomy) is created with the laser. A prosthesis is placed from the incus into the stapedotomy, restoring continuity of the hearing bones resulting in hearing restoration.
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In general, both techniques have excellent hearing results. Ideally, the surgeon is a master of both techniques, so they can use the appropriate technique when the demands of individual cases vary.
In summary, otosclerosis causes a conductive hearing loss that is amenable to surgical correction. Stapedectomy and laser stapedotomy are two techniques with similar results that surgeons at Dallas Ear Institute use to restore hearing in otosclerosis patients.